n-stellig (Nomen)


n-ary (n)

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

2 digits
Geburtsjahr 4-stellig eintragen
The 4 digits of year of birth are entered
Jeweiliges Jahr 4-stellig eintragen
Enter the 4 digits of the year concerned
Jeweiliges Jahr 4-stellig eintragen
The 4 digits of year when highest level of education or training was successfully completed are entered
Jeweiliges Jahr 4-stellig eintragen
The four digits of the year when highest level of education or training was successfully completed are entered
Jeweiliges Jahr 4-stellig eintragen
4 digits of the year concerned
Jeweiliges Jahr 4-stellig eintragen
Enter the four digits of the year concerned
3 digits
Jahr 4-stellig eintragen
Last 4 digits of the year
Jahr 4-stellig eintragen
4 digits of the year
4 digits
Jeweiliges Jahr 4 stellig eintragen
The 4 digits of year when highest level of education or training was successfully completed are entered
Geburtsjahr 4-stellig
The 4 digits of year of birth
Geburtsmonat 2-stellig
The 2 digits of month of birth
12 digits
Jeweiligen Monat 2-stellig eintragen
Enter the two digits of the month concerned