Maxwellsche Relation (Nomen)

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Wirtschaftlichkeit bedeutet eine optimale Relation zwischen den eingesetzten Mitteln und den erzielten Ergebnissen.
The principle of efficiency is concerned with the best relationship between resources employed and results achieved.
der Querschnittslage in Relation zu den Drehgestelldrehzapfen oder Radsatzwellen,
the position of the cross-section in relation to the bogie pivot or to the axles,
Eine reproduzierbare positive Relation zwischen Konzentration und Wirkung ist sehr bedeutsam.
A positive concentration response that is reproducible is most meaningful.
Besteht eine Relation zu den mit der Erteilung der Genehmigungen verbundenen Verwaltungskosten?
Are they related to the administrative costs of granting such permits?
Cost-income ratio
A similar situation exists in relation to Community law in the field of concentrations.
A similar situation exists in relation to Community law in the field of concentrations.
These impacts are discussed in relation to their adverse effects on different sectors.
These impacts are discussed in relation to their adverse effects on different sectors.