keep busy (Verb)


Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Busy agenda.
Busy agenda.
Mr Sikorski initially confirmed and afterwards claimed busy agenda.
Mr Sikorski initially confirmed and afterwards claimed busy agenda.
Mr Smolenski initially confirmed and later claimed busy agenda.
Mr Smolenski initially confirmed and later claimed busy agenda.
Busy agenda - Secretary of State Vierita singled out to deputise Mr Blaga.
Busy agenda - Secretary of State Vierita singled out to deputise Mr Blaga.
Busy agenda - Secretary of State Andreescu singled out to deputise Mr Ungureanu.
Busy agenda - Secretary of State Andreescu singled out to deputise Mr Ungureanu.
Ms Beckett claimed busy agenda and singled out Minister Hoon to deputise her.
Ms Beckett claimed busy agenda and singled out Minister Hoon to deputise her.
with a busy legislative and political agenda.
Nordrhein-Westfalen berufen wurde.
The High Representative will have an extremely busy agenda.
Das Arbeitspensum des Hohen Vertreters wird sehr hoch sein.