euthanasia (Nomen)

general, practice of killing a human being or animal
  • For services which are clearly illegal, like euthanasia, there should be no doubt, but it may be helpful to clarify this point.
  • Bei Dienstleistungen, die eindeutig rechtwidrig sind, wie Euthanasie, sollte kein Zweifel bestehen.
  • In this hospital, manslaughter is committed against innocent, sick children under the so-called right to euthanasia.
  • In diesem Krankenhaus wurden schutzlose kranke Kinder im Rahmen des so genannten Rechts auf Euthanasie ermordet.
  • Some people are already warning of the insidious threat of euthanasia.
  • Mitunter ist sogar von einer schleichenden Euthanasiegefahr die Rede.
practice of killing a human being or animal
  • Illegal euthanasia
  • Unerlaubte Sterbehilfe

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

For services which are clearly illegal, like euthanasia, there should be no doubt, but it may be helpful to clarify this point.
For services which are clearly illegal, like euthanasia, there should be no doubt, but it may be helpful to clarify this point.