business file system

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Business fields to be included where applicable and as many times as necessary in the qualitative data file
Bei Bedarf und so oft wie notwendig in die Datei der qualitativen Daten aufzunehmende Felder
Business fields to be included where applicable and as many times as necessary in the data file
Bei Bedarf und so oft wie notwendig in die Datei aufzunehmende Felder
Pharmacovigilance system master file
Structure of the pharmacovigilance system master file
Struktur der Pharmakovigilanzsystem-Stammdokumentation
Each such system shall be described in a separate pharmacovigilance system master file.
Jedes dieser Systeme ist in einer eigenen Pharmakovigilanzsystem-Stammdokumentation zu beschreiben.
Content of the pharmacovigilance system master file
Inhalt der Pharmakovigilanzsystem-Stammdokumentation
Content of the Annex to the pharmacovigilance system master file
Inhalt des Anhangs zur Pharmakovigilanzsystem-Stammdokumentation
Form of the documents contained in the pharmacovigilance system master file
Form der in der Pharmakovigilanzsystem-Stammdokumentation enthaltenen Unterlagen
See, for instance, WE-FILE 1, WE-FILE 2, WE-FILE 3, WE-FILE 4, WE-FILE 5, WE-FILE 6, WE-FILE 7, WE-FILE 8, WE-FILE 9, WE-FILE 11, WE-FILE 12, WE-FILE 13, WE-FILE 14, WE-FILE 15, WE-FILE 16, WE-FILE 19, WE-FILE 20, WE-FILE 33, WE-CONF 3, WE-CONF 19. as a result of reductions in incomes or policy value.
Siehe zum Beispiel WE-FILE 1, WE-FILE 2, WE-FILE 3, WE-FILE 4, WE-FILE 5, WE-FILE 6, WE-FILE 7, WE-FILE 8, WE-FILE 9, WE-FILE 11, WE-FILE 12, WE-FILE 13, WE-FILE 14, WE-FILE 15, WE-FILE 16, WE-FILE 19, WE-FILE 20, WE-FILE 33, WE-CONF 3 und WE-CONF 19. .
Since his decision to file a civil claim, he has had his business shut down and has been heavily fined.
Infolge dieser Vorgehensweisen erlitt er einen Rippenbruch, weshalb er in ein Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden musste.