
  • Mr Farkhad Aliyev and his brother have already filed an appeal to the Court of Appeal of Baku City.
  • Herr Farkhad Alijew und sein Bruder haben bereits Berufung beim Berufungsgericht in Baku eingelegt.
  • We still do not know what has happened to Ali Aliyev.
  • Bis jetzt ist der Verbleib von Ali Alijew unbekannt.
  • Does the Commission believe that Aliyev and his co-accused have received a fair trial?
  • Ist die Kommission der Meinung, dass Alijew und seinen Mitangeklagten ein fairer Prozess gemacht wurde?

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Farhad Aliyev
Farhad Aliyev
Concerning Mr Farhad Aliyev, the
Concerning Mr Farhad Aliyev, the
In addition, Mr Farhad Aliyev has allegedly been denied sufficient medical attention despite serious heart problems and was not allowed to contact his family.
In addition, Mr Farhad Aliyev has allegedly been denied sufficient medical attention despite serious heart problems and was not allowed to contact his family.
In May 2007 the Republic of Kazakhstan had requested the extradition of Aliyev and other accused parties for criminal prosecution.
Im Mai 2007 hatte die Republik Kasachstan um Auslieferung von Aliyev und Mitbeschuldigten zur Strafverfolgung ersucht.
The Commission is aware of the concerns of the victims of the crimes allegedly committed by Mr Rakhat Aliyev.
Die Kommission ist sich der misslichen Lage der Opfer der Herrn Rakhat Aliyev zur Last gelegten Straftaten bewusst.