hundred thousand (Nomen)

cardinal number
  • Several hundred thousand people are trafficked into or within the EU each year.
  • Mehrere hunderttausend Menschen gelangen jedes Jahr durch Menschenhandel in die EU oder werden Opfer von Menschenhandel innerhalb der EU.
cardinal number

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Done at Denpasar, Bali, this twenty-fourth day of February in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six.
Geschehen zu Denpasar, Bali, am vierundzwanzigsten Februar neunzehnhundertsechsundsiebzig.
Done at Lisbon on the seventeenth day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four.
Done at Lisbon on the seventeenth day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four.
thousand nine hundred and seventy-six.
thousand nine hundred and seventy-six.
Two million two hundred thousand people in Italy suffer from serious mental illnesses.
In Italien leiden 2,2 Millionen Menschen an schweren psychischen Erkrankungen.