high official (Nomen)

person - man
person - woman, woman

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Substances with no high level of findings according to the 2009 official control programme.
Stoffe mit geringer Inzidenz nach dem amtlichen Kontrollprogramm von 2009.
Substances with no high level of findings according to the 2010 official control programme shall be analysed by those official laboratories which have the method required already validated.
Stoffe, die nach dem amtlichen Kontrollprogramm 2010 kaum nachgewiesen werden konnten, sind von den amtlichen Laboratorien zu untersuchen, die die erforderliche Methode bereits validiert haben.
Mr Brady is a high official , Attorney General
Mr Brady is a high official , Attorney General
General Pollari is a high official
General Pollari is a high official
Mr Pasionek is a high official , Undersecretary of State at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister
Mr Pasionek is a high official , Undersecretary of State at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister
Although the average citizen is not involved in corruption, according to official studies, the phenomenon is more prevalent at high levels.
Die Mitgliedstaaten sollen gemeinsame Ziele und Indikatoren festlegen.
Will the High Representative give her official position on this development?
Welche offizielle Position vertritt die Hohe Vertreterin in Zusammenhang mit dieser Entwicklung?