effectivity of a poisoning system

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Fatal poisoning
Tod durch Vergiftung
Burn; poisoning
Verbrennung, Vergiftung
Acute poisoning; irritation, dermatitis
Akute Vergiftung, Reizung, Dermatitis
Acute poisoning in lungs; irritation, dermatitis
Akute Vergiftungserscheinung der Lunge, Reizung, Dermatitis
Expected effects of poisoning
Zu erwartende Vergiftungserscheinungen
Prognosis following poisoning
Prognose im Anschluss an eine Vergiftung
- poisoning.
- Vergiftung.
A reporting system is already in place in the EU for pesticide residues in food but no system exists to monitor poisoning incidents and environmental effects of pesticides.
A reporting system is already in place in the EU for pesticide residues in food but no system exists to monitor poisoning incidents and environmental effects of pesticides.