Bound Brook

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
The distribution chain and notably consumers will thus have an obvious reference point to determine if the tyre being considered for purchase is legally bound to meet the specified new technical requirements.
The distribution chain and notably consumers will thus have an obvious reference point to determine if the tyre being considered for purchase is legally bound to meet the specified new technical requirements.
However, there is still need for clarification of the status of third party documents, in particular, in order to avoid that information relating to legislative dossiers is not shared more broadly with, for instance, foreign administration than with the European citizens concerned and bound by the legislation,
However, there is still need for clarification of the status of third party documents, in particular, in order to avoid that information relating to legislative dossiers is not shared more broadly with, for instance, foreign administration than with the European citizens concerned and bound by the legislation,
During a financial crisis, a central bank can reduce the key interest rate towards the lower nominal bound, and thereby make a contribution to financial stability.
During a financial crisis, a central bank can reduce the key interest rate towards the lower nominal bound, and thereby make a contribution to financial stability.
At the zero lower bound, central banks cannot do much using their conventional instruments.
At the zero lower bound, central banks cannot do much using their conventional instruments.

Bound Brook

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Upper bound
Medium bound
Lower bound
upstream bound
Zu Berg
Brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis
Bachsaibling, Salvelinus fontinalis
Salvelinus fontinalis, Brook trout
Salvelinus fontinalis, Bachsaibling
Upper Bound
Lower Bound
Residual bound phosphorus
Gebundener Restphosphor