adjunct professor

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Although WRAP functions as an adjunct to the Government and implements government policies, it has the form of a private company.
Obwohl WRAP bei der Regierung angesiedelt ist und deren Politik umsetzt, hat es die Rechtsform eines Privatunternehmens.
Professor of Economics
Professor der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
by Professor Sir
von Professor Sir
, Professor Sir
, Professor Sir
Professor Suleiman Achmar
Professor Suleiman Achmar
Professor Mesfin Woldemariam,
Professor Mesfin Woldemariam,
Professor and human rights defender.
Professor and human rights defender.
Professor Suleiman Shummar
Professor Suleiman Shummar
Professor Eva-Maria Svensson.
Professor Eva-Maria Svensson.